Kit of the Month: Dreamin Big

In Kit of the Month by Lynn Como

One of the things I love about Dreamin’ Big is the color!  Yellow, gold, red, juniper and black make it a versatile kit for a variety of pages.  You can use it for the great outdoors or for adventure in your life.  Scouts and exploring with nature will be fantastic photos on some of these pages too.  And what’s your “Happy Place?”  Could it be with family or friends?  A party or girls/guys night out?  Perhaps your a ‘bug’ fanatic and would love some pattern paper featuring them.

Check out this layout and how I used our new Page Protectors Plus pages.  These are fabulous inserts that you place in between your two page layout and add more photos or picture my life/project life cards.  These protector plus pages work extremely well with both D RING and POST BOUND albums.  Below is the two page spread and “Life is an Adventure” 4×6 card is in a 4×6 flip flap.

Now you’ll notice this photo showcases the two 4 x 12 Protector Plus pages (one holds 4 – 3×4 photos; the other holds 2 – 4×6 photos) in between the two page spread.


It’s a great way to add more photos, use your 3×4 and 4×6 cards, add journaling and embellishments too.

The layout above holds 15 or more photos (you can add more flip flaps in 3×3, 4×4 and 4×6 sizes).

  • If you would like to receive the photos and cutting guide to this kit, you can order a kit directly from me for $45 (includes the Dreamin Big Workshop Your Way, extra cardstock and 2 pocket plus pages).  Email me @ to have it shipped directly to you (shipping is between $6 and $7 depending on where you live).
  • If you would like to order the products a la carte and purchase a minimum of $30 (in order to receive the cutting guide and photos from me), please click on this LINK to view the Shopping List.

Happy Crafting!