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You can have FLOWER SHOPPE for all year round!
Add fresh floral designs to your crafting using new scrapbooking and cardmaking workshop projects featuring the Flower Shoppe collection.
Order your scrapbooking and cardmaking workshop kits below, and then download the easy-to-follow instructions, which will guide you through the creative process. With the scrapbooking workshop, you’ll create 3 two-page layouts and one single-page layout, while the cardmaking workshop will take you step-by-step through creating 16 cards—4 each of 4 designs. Save 20% on your workshop supplies when you choose the workshop kit that includes the stamp and Thin Cuts!
Create all (4) Scrapbooking Projects
Flower Shoppe Scrapbooking Workshop Guide
Create 4 of each CARD DESIGN for 16 cards total!
Flower Shoppe Cardmaking Workshop Guide
Click Here for Flower Shoppe Promotion