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A Quick Tutorial on printing your Photos and Fotojet
Hello Crafty friends! I recently went on an apple picking trip with my husband. It was a beautiful day and I thought I would quickly share my process with you on a free program, Fotojet … that I use. Here’s my way of printing (this is a very short version) to help you get an idea of what I do. I think you’ll find this helpful!
If you are interested in the FOTOJET CLASS, click on this link to learn more. Even if you are not on Facebook, I have a link to the video for you.
So every month, I design and create layouts for my Kit of the Month Club (YES! it’s for beginners!). I then save my stash and pull it out when I have the photos I want to use to add to them. This way of scrapping saves you tons of time in the long run AND you use up your purchases and are left with scraps! Ask anyone in my Clubs and they will tell you its’ true! Here’s a link to all the artwork and KITS we have done, and Backyard Bliss is still available!
Under the photo of me on the right bottom corner (red barn look), I have a flip flap. The photo you see above is inside a flip flap. This photo below is under the 6×4 flip flap. So you can see, I was able to add two more photos to this layout by using it.
Totally love this line for Backyard Bliss and so much more outdoor adventure! The papers can be used for so many themes like travel, hiking, gardening and … well, you decide! I love D2112 Autumn Vibes and it’s a really good one to have in your stash:
If you like the TREE in the middle photo above, it’s from the Backyard Bliss Cardmaking set found HERE on this LINK.
If you have any questions, please COMMENT below.