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A New Video Series: Lynn’s COPY-CAT-alog ART
Welcome to Lynn’s COPY-CAT-alog Art Video Series, where we explore the world of art and focus on creating inspirational pieces from our current Close To My Heart catalog. Whether you’re an experienced artist, a beginner, or someone who just loves to get creative, these videos aim to inspire and educate you on the art of ‘copy-catalog’ creation. This term doesn’t mean ripping off someone else’s work, but rather drawing inspiration from existing art and replicating the design with your materials to make it your own. So, get ready to unleash your creativity with me.
What is ‘COPY-CAT-alog ‘ Art?
COPY-CAT-alog’ Art is a video tutorial sharing the creative inspiration from an existing piece of Close To My Heart Catalog art and showing you how it is made. This is not about copying the work of others but about learning different techniques, styles, and elements that make a piece of art inspirational. It’s about embracing creativity in a new and exciting way.
The Journey of Creating ‘COP-CAT-alog’ Art
Every piece of art starts with an idea. In ‘copy-catalog’ art, this idea comes from an existing art piece created by Close To My Heart’s Art Studio in our current catalog that strikes a chord with you. This could be anything from a scrapbook page to a beautiful card. The idea is to give you the details and best tips on creating the inspirational piece so you will be confident in making this ART with me.
In this secnd issue:
- Did you want to know how to make those ‘stripes’ on the layout? Well, if so, then you will love the technique of using our ink pads to create these ‘striped’ swatches in the center of the pages. What a fun idea!
- In addition, many stamps from the Design Elements stamp set are used on quite a bit of the pages. Learn some great tips along the way as you watch the design take shape.
- A list of ingredients will be showcased at the front and end of the video. You can find any of these products in your stash … or on MY WEBSITE HER
The INGREDIENTS can be found on my WEBSITE HERE.
Learning How to Create ‘COPY-CAT-alog’ Art
Creating ‘COPY-CAT-alog’ art is a process that involves learning, experimenting, and most importantly, enjoying the journey. Here are some steps you can take to create your own ‘copy-catalog’ art
- Choose an Art Piece: Start by choosing a piece of art that inspires you. This could be one of many images of artwork in our current catalog for a scrapbook page or beautiful card .
- Analyze the Art Piece: Spend some time understanding the art piece. Notice the colors and patterns used, the techniques exhibited, the theme or sentiment that appeals to you. This will help you draw inspiration with your own art.
- Create Your Art: Now, it’s time to create your own piece. Remember, this isn’t always about reproducing the original art piece as the original. It could be about creating something new and unique, inspired by the original design.
Final Thoughts
‘COPY-CAT-alog’ art is a great way to learn and grow as an artist. It helps you understand different art styles and techniques, while also allowing you to express your own creativity. Remember, every piece of art you create is a reflection of your unique perspective. So, take inspiration, learn, create, and most importantly, enjoy the process of creating art. Stay tuned for more art insights and inspiration in the upcoming posts.
Don’t forget to share your ‘copy-catalog’ art creations using the hashtag #lccascrapbooking or #lccascardmaking.
Happy creating! ~ Lynn Como