Prices going up

Prices ARE going UP!

In Retiring Products, Timely Sales by Lynn Como

In reality, most of the time you have no idea when a product will be INCREASING in price right?  You go the store, look for your item and place it in your cart.  You go to the register and then WHAM!  You get hit with a bulls-eye between the eyes when you see the sticker get scanned and WOW! BINGO!  Does not compute!  Does not COMPUTE!  Right?  Yeah, me too!  I don’t like those kind of surprises.

That’s why I’m sharing this list with you to STOCK UP now!  At Close To My Heart, we take pride in keeping our shipping prices to a bare minimum of $4.95 (for up to 10 lbs.).  However, we can’t control manufacturing and product line increases and HAVE TO raise prices in order to stay in business.  So, let me share the increases with you so you have the chance to STOCK UP if you see fit.  Below is the list and if you click on it, it will bring you to the item(s) in question:

Major increases of $3 to $5:

Minimal Increases of $1 to $2:

Stock up by July 31st to ensure you get the BEST price!  New prices are effective as of August 1st!

Lastly don’t forget many, many items are RETIRING as well as of July 31st (Col. White is SOLD OUT). You can view the RETIRING list here on this PDF file.

So take advantage HERE on my WEBSITE while you can if you feel there is something you have to have NOW at the rock bottom price or before it’s GONE!

Lynn Como