Dreamin’ Big: Our adventure from Mexico

In Vacation by Lynn Como

So, this is like part II of keeping you inspired with layouts and flip flap ideas to use.  However, one thing I want to note … DREAMIN’ BIG is retired but I still have some kits @ $45 each which includes plenty of extra cardsdtock and protector plus pages (see ideas below)!  If interested, let me know via email @ilov2cr84u@gmail.com and I can mail you a kit.

After arriving in Puerto Vallarta, the next day was our Outdoor Adventure. This excursion was the BEST ever!!!  I won’t tell you what we did … I think the layouts will speak for themselves.  So enjoy the RIDE with us as we embark on an adventure!

I want to start off with how using a variety of photos can make a difference. The layout above uses an 8×6 and (7) 4×6’s photos (with flip flaps of course!). The layout design is from REFLECTIONS (Main Frame & the Pinwheel (8g I think). All of these How To books are retiring!!!

Here’s another great 8×6 photo they took (we weren’t allowed to carry phones or cameras).  All of these photos were taken by their photographer and worth every penny!!

I really LOVE this layout and will be using this design for an upcoming kit (JACK – outdoorsy/camping/hiking).  Note the 4×4 flip flaps and our first Zip Line ride.  (There were 7 of us from my family on this excursion so scrapping everyone’s adventure is a must for me.)

We had about 9 zip lines (short to long) and it was from platform to platform in some instances.  But one zip landed us at the waterfall.  Oh, rappel down? YES! You had NO choice in the matter … a lot scary but a LOT fun too!  Using the 6×12 flip flaps gave me an extra advantage to add everyone’s photo … and MORE!

If you look closely at this photo, it’s the 6×12 flip OPEN but I added another 4×6 flip under it so I could capture everyone’s descent.  Gotta LOVE those flips!  And the 5×7 photo finishes off the layout where we all made it down.

Now we are coming down the wire (pun intended!) and are expected to take this Zip upside down.  This layout design is the sketch Monologue (from Imagine).  But I still have a few more shots to add and this time, I used our new Protector Plus pages.

Below you see the front side (center) of the 6×12 protector plus insert (has 6 pockets that hold 3×4 photos). The insert has holes along the gutter so it fits perfectly into a D ring or post bound album.  If you’ll note, I do not have any photos peeking out behind it.  Looking again at the layout above, you’ll see I have my photos kissing the edge of the paper so I can add my protector plus page without compromising the layout. (Yeah, I’m a stickler on this point.)

Below is the same layout but if you turn the 6×12 protector plus page, here’s the backside of it.  See how it covers the left side of the layout but no photo is peeking out?  It makes it a smooth transition, pleasing to the eye and very catching.  Everyone’s captured on this layout with their upside down zip and walk across the bridge.

The last part of the Adventure had us Zipping along on a mini SURF board!  I loved this one!  I used a 4×6 flip flap to add my journaling and another photo.

Note the photos on the right: 2×2’s.  I’m glad to have them printed this way because it was just enough to capture the Water slide experience (oh my gosh … super cold and fast).  We’ll never forget it!

For those of you who have purchased Dreamin’ Big already and created my Kit of the Month, you’ll recognize these layouts. Yes, I love to use my own layouts when I can so adding the photos in the right sizes makes it a JOY!

So on this day, we walked through the Old Town of Puerto Vallarta and enjoyed the local flair, food and surroundings.  Very colorful place to go to the market for a variety of souvenirs.

Using the above layout and two 4×12 protector plus pages (one holds eight 4×3’s and the other one holds four 4×6’s), I was able to capture the places we stopped for food. We love to eat and explore the flavors and dishes.  I haven’t written on these pages yet but will do soon!

There are plenty of photos on the combination layout that you can’t see above.  But I hope you have been inspired by the ideas shared of how to use the protector plus pages and flip flaps.  They are fun, add interest and more photos!  I hope you give them a try!