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A Blast From the Past: Miracle
In 2009, Rick and I had made a trip to Rhode Island to enjoy some of the local fare (Narragansett & Newport). We packed our bikes and stayed in a motel (I think the Anchor) during a weekend in the summer. We always enjoyed the outdoors and taking in the scene and sights of an area. It was an extremely lovely day for a bike ride and this layout did not disappoint even though it may look a little bare to you right now:
Yeah … you want to pass on the above creation? Well, please check this out so you can see the difference:
HELLO! I guess you didn’t see that coming! Well, I loved using a much larger photo (of me of course!) as the main theme catcher. I mean … look at the water, the boats, the landscape behind me that captures the place and time. And on the right, Rick on his bike with more photos under what you see here.
Flip flaps in 4×6 saves the day by capturing more photos under the main page. Rick celebrating his birthday lobster dinner after our sunset sail. And Aunt Carrie’s must still be in existence? Who has been here or loves the ‘seafood shack’ on Rhode Island?
Another great idea that I used was vellum! I did all my journaling on the computer and printed it out on vellum to add to this layout. The chipboard accessories, ivory brads and tag … completed the look! So, so pretty!
Onto using the same papers but for a different trip: San Francisco! Now the layout below looks so plain and most of you wouldn’t be happy with the fact of how many photos it will hold. The left side will be showcasing a 5×7 photo of Rick on the trolley … love this photo!
And the page on the right will FLIP you out! Even though it’s one photo-well, it will hold 5 photos because I used two 4×6 flips to showcase the snapshots of our day:
So take a chance sometime … and create a page that doens’t show all your photos at once. Use it as an opporutnity to hide, seek and tell your story in a timeline of the day.
Journal the details …
Highlight your best photos …
Tell your story …
Enjoy your vacation and pick and choose only the photos you want to say exactly what you want others to know. It’s really a GOOD THING!
Happy Scrapping!