Jan Feb March 2023 Close to My Heart Catalog

The Current Catalog is RETIRING as of March 31st

In General Information, SU Promos by Lynn Como

Another book is retiring as we say goodbye to Winter and the past three months of collections.  Whether you scrap, make cards or use our products for paper crafting, we have had quite a variety of kits this past season. 

April May June 2023 Catalog Close to my Heart

You still have time to place an order on my WEBSITE HERE from this book before it retires on 3/31.  If you do, you’ll also receive a copy of our newest book for April-May-June, 2023 (this cover/edition)

Did you know you can SAVE a PDF of the Jan-March issue to your computer?  

  1.  Here’s the PDF of the Catalog.
  2.  You’ll love saving ALL the RECIPES of the ARTWORK here.
  3.  For those who like a PDF Index of these Products, click HERE.

In case you missed the original post and Catalog walk through …. it’s here:

Let me WALK you through our newest collection of products!

I’m trying something new in revealing our book with close ups, details and a little more knowledge as I unveil our featured collections of kits, workshops, stamps, thin cuts and papers!  I think you’ll enjoy viewing it all this way.


The products are just beautiful and I’m sure  you’ll want to receive a FREE COPY!  All you need to do is place ANY ORDER on my website HERE to receive this book in your shipment.

Happy shopping and I hope you love all the new products coming in our next issue too!

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